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Trying to figure out why my quiz isn’t registering my answer when submitted

So at the moment, the quiz keeps looping through the quiz until it switches to the endQuiz Function. What I am trying to do is determine if the answer is equal to the ID in the array when it has been checked, so I callback to the function called selectedAnswer. So when I can call back to it later in the displayNextQuestion so it can show that it is equal to the filteredQuestion[randomQuestion].answer resulting in the score being increase. This is what I have been working on

let easyDifficulty = document.getElementById("easy-diff");
let mediumDifficulty = document.getElementById("medium-diff");
let hardDifficulty = document.getElementById("hard-diff");
let difficulty = document.getElementById("difficulty");
let difficultyLevel = "";
let submitBtn = document.getElementById("submit");
let questionCounter = 1;
let maxQuestion = 10;

let questions = [{
  question: `Al Pacino starred in the 1975 film Dog Day Afternoon that is the true story of a 
bank robbery gone bad. Where did the attempted robbery take place?`,
  a: `Chicago`,
  b: `Los Angeles`,
  c: `Boston`,
  d: `New York`,
  answer: `d`,
  difficulty: `hard`,
question: `Al Pacino and Robert De Niro have starred in a total of four movies together, can you name the film that they first shared screen time in?`,
a: `Righteous Kill`,
b: `Heat`,
c: `The Godfather Part II`,
d: `The Irishman`,
answer: `b`,
difficulty: `hard`,
question: `Al Pacino has starred in the The Godfather Trilogy, can you name the charter he portrays?`,
a: `Fredo Corleone`,
b: `Michael Corleone`,
c: `Tom Hagen`,
d: `Sonny Corleone`,
answer: `b`,
difficulty: `medium`,
question: `Al Pacino starred in the 1973 film Serpico that was director by which director?`,
a: `Sidney Lumet`,
b: `David Lean`,
c: `Mel Brooks`,
d: `Alfred Hitchcock`,
answer: `a`,
difficulty: `medium`,
question: `Al Pacino starred in 2019 film The Irishman, can you pick the actor who doesn't co-star in the film`,
a: `Robert De Niro`,
b: `Christopher Walken`,
c: `Joe Pesci`,
d: `Harvey Keitel`,
answer: `b`,
difficulty: `easy`,
question: `Al Pacino portrays Michael Corleone in the Godfather Trilogy that was directed by which director?`,
a: `George Lucas`,
b: `Stanley Kubrick`,
c: `Francis Ford Coppola`,
d: `Roman Polanski`,
answer: `c`,
difficulty: `easy`,

let pickDifficulty = () => {
if (easyDifficulty.checked) {
difficultyLevel = "easy";
} else if (mediumDifficulty.checked) {
difficultyLevel = "medium";
} else if (hardDifficulty.checked) {
difficultyLevel = "hard";

function displayQuestion(quizQuestion, quiz) {
  quizQuestion.querySelector("#question").innerText = quiz.question;
  quizQuestion.querySelector("#a-answer").innerText = quiz.a;
  quizQuestion.querySelector("#b-answer").innerText = quiz.b;
  quizQuestion.querySelector("#c-answer").innerText = quiz.c;
  quizQuestion.querySelector("#d-answer").innerText = quiz.d;

difficulty.addEventListener("change",() => {
const filteredQuestions = questions.filter((question) => 
question.difficulty === difficultyLevel);
const randomQuestion = Math.floor(Math.random() 
const quiztemplate = document.querySelectorAll(".quiz");
const quizparent = quiztemplate[0].parentNode;
quiztemplate.forEach((qq) => quizparent.removeChild(qq));
let quizQuestion = 
displayQuestion(quizQuestion, filteredQuestions[randomQuestion]);
//filteredQuestions.splice(randomQuestion, 1);

let answers = document.querySelectorAll(".answer");

function selectedAnswer() {
  let answer = undefined;

  answers.forEach((answers) => {
    if (answers.checked) {
      answer =;
  return answer;

let score = 0;

function nextQuestion() {

  if (questionCounter >= maxQuestion) {
  } else {
    const quiztemplate = document.querySelectorAll(".quiz");
    const quizparent = quiztemplate[0].parentNode;
    quiztemplate.forEach((qq) => quizparent.removeChild(qq));
    const quizquestion = quizparent.appendChild(quiztemplate[0].cloneNode(true));

    const filteredQuestions = questions.filter((question) =>
      question.difficulty === difficultyLevel);
    const randomQuestion = Math.floor(Math.random() * filteredQuestions.length);
    //filteredQuestions.splice(randomQuestion, 1);

    displayQuestion(quizquestion, filteredQuestions[randomQuestion]);

  let answer = selectedAnswer();
  const filteredQuestions = questions.filter((question) => question.difficulty ===
  const randomQuestion = Math.floor(Math.random() * filteredQuestions.length);

  if (answer) {
    if (answer === filteredQuestions[randomQuestion].answer) {
      ).innerHTML = `<h3>Score:${score} / ${maxQuestion}</h3>`;
  submitBtn.addEventListener("click", nextQuestion);
   <div id="difficulty" class="center">
        <input type="radio" name="difficulty" id="easy-diff" 
        <label for="easy-diff">Easy</label>
        <input type="radio" name="difficulty" id="medium-diff" 
        <label for="medium-diff">Medium</label>
        <input type="radio" name="difficulty" id="hard-diff" 
        <label for="hard-diff">Hard</label>

<div id="question-holder" class="hide">
  <div id="question-counter"></div>
  <div id="score-counter"></div>
  <p id="post"></p>
  <div class="quiz">
    <h4 id="question">Question placement</h4>
    <ul id="answer-holder">
        <label for="a" id="a-answer">possible answer</label>
        <input type="radio" name="answer" id="a" class="answer">
        <label for="b" id="b-answer">possible answer</label>
        <input type="radio" name="answer" id="b" class="answer">
        <label for="c" id="c-answer">possible answer</label>
        <input type="radio" name="answer" id="c" class="answer">
        <label for="d" id="d-answer">possible answer</label>
        <input type="radio" name="answer" id="d" class="answer">
  <button id="submit" class="btn">Submit</button>



The following is a rewrite to a large extent. I tried to set up the whole thing without relying too much on (calculated) id attributes. Instead I used CSS selectors based on class and parent-child relationships.

I also changed your answers into choices, a property containing an array with the options “a” to “d”.

The random sequence of questions was achieved by shuffling the selcted questions using a Durstenfeld shuffle algorithm.

const questions=[{question: "Al Pacino starred in the 1975 film Dog Day Afternoon that is the true story of a bank robbery gone bad. Where did the attempted robbery take place?",choices:["Chicago","Los Angeles","Boston","New York"],answer: "d", difficulty: "hard"},{question: "Al Pacino and Robert De Niro have starred in a total of four movies together, can you name the film that they first shared screen time in?",choices:["Righteous Kill","Heat","The Godfather Part II","The Irishman"],answer:"b",difficulty: "hard"},{question: "Al Pacino has starred in the The Godfather Trilogy, can you name the character he portrays?",choices:["Fredo Corleone","Michael Corleone","Tom Hagen","Sonny Corleone"],answer: "b",difficulty: "medium" },{question: "Al Pacino starred in the 1973 film Serpico that was director by which director?",choices:["Sidney Lumet","David Lean","Mel Brooks","Alfred Hitchcock"],answer: "a",difficulty: "medium"},{question: "Al Pacino starred in 2019 film The Irishman, can you pick the actor who doesn't co-star in the film",choices:["Robert De Niro","Christopher Walken","Joe Pesci","Harvey Keitel"],answer:"b",difficulty: "easy"},{question: "Al Pacino portrays Michael Corleone in the Godfather Trilogy that was directed by which director?",choices:["George Lucas","Stanley Kubrick","Francis Ford Coppola","Roman Polanski"],answer: "c",difficulty: "easy"},{question: "Where did the Boston Tea party take place?",choices: ["Chicago", "Los Angeles", "Boston", "New York"],answer: "c",difficulty: "easy"},{question: "When did the United States declare their independence?",choices: [1492, 1776, 1812, 1918],answer: "b",difficulty: "easy"}, {question: "Where is Venice Beach?",choices: ["Chicago", "Los Angeles", "Boston", "New York"],answer: "b",difficulty: "easy"}],
    question = document.querySelector("#question"),
    answers = document.querySelectorAll("#answer-holder label span"),
    qcount = document.querySelector("#question-counter"),
    qtotal = document.querySelector("#questions-total"),
    acount = document.querySelector("#score-counter");

  function shfl(a){ // Durstenfeld shuffle
   for(let j,i=a.length;i>1;){
    if (i!=j) [a[i],a[j]]=[a[j],a[i]]
   return a
  function nextQ() { // get next question of filtered and shuffled selection
    if (questions.Q=questions.sel.shift()){
      question.textContent = questions.Q.question; 
      answers.forEach((a, i) =>{
        a.textContent = questions.Q.choices[i];
    } else console.log("Game over.")
   lvl=>lvl.onclick=_=>{ // filter questions according to level and shuffle them into questions.sel
  document.querySelector("button").onclick=_=>{ // submit button ==> submit answer
   if (questions.Q){ // only after game is initialised ...
     const ans=document.querySelector("#answer-holder input:checked")
     if (ans?.value == questions.Q.answer) ++acount.textContent;
<div id="question-holder" class="hide">
<label><input type="radio" name="level" value="easy">easy</label><br>
<label><input type="radio" name="level" value="medium">medium</label><br>
<label><input type="radio" name="level" value="hard">hard</label><br><br>
<div>Questions: <span id="question-counter"></span> / <span id="questions-total"></span></div>
<div>Correct answers: <span id="score-counter"></span></div>
<p id="post"></p>
<div class="quiz">
  <h4 id="question">Question placement</h4>
  <ul id="answer-holder">
    <li><label><input type="radio" name="answer" value="a"><span>possible answer</span></label></li>
    <li><label><input type="radio" name="answer" value="b"><span>possible answer</span></label></li>
    <li><label><input type="radio" name="answer" value="c"><span>possible answer</span></label></li>
    <li><label><input type="radio" name="answer" value="d"><span>possible answer</span></label></li>        </ul>
<button id="submit" class="btn">Submit</button>