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try…catch not work in JavaScript (Discord.js)

I’m working on a bot to fetch a user’s avatar, I use try...catch for user mention detection, but it still throws an error.

And I tried a simple try...catch, and it throws an error SyntaxError: Identifier 'x' has already been declared:


Here’s my code:


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For the simple try…catch, you have already declared the x variable in your code. No 2 variables can be named the same thing, so it’s going to give you a syntax error. If you want to change the value of x, just do x = 2.

For your code, it can’t find the user ID inside the fetch method. This could be because the prefix isn’t the right length, or your substr method isn’t getting the right parts of the method content. Either way, you should try declaring a variable with that substring, and then console.loging the variable.
