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Tag: typescript

converting an array into object in typescript

I have an array of objects: Where I need to convert it to the type NFCollection which looks so: The result should looks like this: where the data includes only those persons whose age >= 18. So I could start writing something like: but then I would like to convert it to the NFCollection type. How would I do that?

NextJs doesn’t rerun scripts

When I use the <Link> tag in NextJs to navigate between pages it doesn’t rerun my scripts after changing pages. It only runs the scripts after the first page load or when I press reload. When using plain <a> tags instead, it works fine because the page reloads after each navigation. As far as I can tell this happens because

My Image is not rendering in reactjs typescript

I’m creating an app using **reactjs **and **typescript **however I encountered an issue while loading **images **inside a component. My error in console This is my component: NB : The images are stored inside a ‘images’ folder and the project component is stored inside a ‘components’ folder **NB#2 : **the first image ‘pin’ loads normally. Thank you for all the

Spread objects into a state array

I am trying to spread values as objects into a state array in react, but this code causes this error: Error: TypeError: Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance. In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method. Is there a chance I can spread values from the data array into a values state array as objects, so

IsNaN shows other results

console output My IsNaN says “12ab” is a number but at the first Non-Number argument its the first non-number, i used the isNaN function twice so idk why it doesnt work Answer You’re not comparing the same values here: the first check (saveNumbers) tests isNaN(parseInt(“12ab”)) while the second tests isNaN(“12ab”). saveNumbers will parse “12ab” and return 12, which is a

The tag is unrecognized in this browser. If you meant to render a React component, start its name with an uppercase letter

MyIcons.tsx MyFile.tsx Errors: The tag <ICONCAR> is unrecognized in this browser. If you meant to render a React component, start its name with an uppercase letter The tag <ICONHOME> is unrecognized in this browser. If you meant to render a React component, start its name with an uppercase letter. i am getting the above error if <ICONHOME></ICONHOME> or <ICONCAR></ICONCAR> works

Unable to resolve module [external url] within the project or in these directories: node_modules

Im doing a project in react native I have an object of exercises that include images and videos, everything is fine when the object was created, but when I imported into another file I get this error undefined Unable to resolve module from /mnt/c/Users/USER/Documents/superfit/app/src/screens/Patient/Workouts/ExercisesList.ts: could not be found within the project or in these directories: node_modules This is

TypeScript can’t assign an Object Type to Record

I’m learning TypeScript, and decided to try implement it in a small portion of my codebase to get the ball rolling. Specifically, what I’m refactoring now is related to a fixture “factory” for the purpose of generating fixtures for Jest tests. In addition to these factories, which spit out certain Objects, I also have some helper methods that make things
