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Tag: types

TypeScript can’t assign an Object Type to Record

I’m learning TypeScript, and decided to try implement it in a small portion of my codebase to get the ball rolling. Specifically, what I’m refactoring now is related to a fixture “factory” for the purpose of generating fixtures for Jest tests. In addition to these factories, which spit out certain Objects, I also have some helper methods that make things

Typescript custom type

If I have an interface in typescript like so How can I factor out my type for text with the pipes so I can use it multiple times as a type in my program? It seems like it should be simple but I’m not sure what the syntax is For clarity I would like to be able to use it

Using union type as function parameter

I have a type defined like so: where FieldValue is a union of types: I have a variable object where I then declare the functions set by the above types: This produces an error where the values in the object are not of type FieldToAction, I kind of understand why since I am now constraining the parameter to be a

JavaScript converting the string “constructor” to [Function: Object]

I’m building a parser for a simple interpreter in JavaScript. I have a preprocessor method that removes specific tokens from an input list of tokens produced by the tokenizer: Each token is an object like this, with both type and value being strings: Somewhere in this function, when tokens[i].value == ‘constructor’, said value is being converted to the actual JS

Typescript Pick optionnal unset variable

I’m trying to use the “pick” function of typescript to get all the possible values of my objects. My objects have optional attributes so they are not necessarily set and I also try to convert “type” attribut to a type with : but I think there is a better way to do it and I don’t know where to use
