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Tag: sweetalert2

Using SweetAlerts 2 themes

We’re looking to use the themes, but we can’t figure out how to do so – we’re not very experienced developers. We understand that we need to import the corresponding CSS file for the desired theme, but how do you then apply it? My goal is to have a dropdown with the different themes and show the modal with the

Sweet alert 2 modal with input type range issue

is there any way to customize the output next to the input (type range) showing the value of the input? i want it to show the value + %. What i tried so far is to give the input a customclass and then get its <output> tag and tried to manipulate its inner text like this : with no particular

Form Submit Confirmation With SweetAlert2

I’m working on a project that needs confirmation before submit the form, to do that I’m using SweetAlert2 but it doesn’t work in any way. I tried with the code from another threads but I have the same issue, the page loads and when I submit the form, it doesn’t do anything (well, it submits the information without verifications or

SweetAlert2 crappy text

I have a question about SweetAlert2. As you can see in this picture that’s how my swal2 looks, but on the official site or others the text is smoother, how should I fix this? Maybe I’ve forgot one CSS/JS? Screenshot: Github / JSFiddle: Answer SweetAlert2 doesn’t define font-family but inherits it from the document. The reason is that

SweetAlert2 disallow outside click after confirm

I want to create an alert similar to the ajax-example, but allowing outside click dismiss before confirming. After the user clicks confirm I would like to disallow outside click until the operation is finished. Setting the config variable allowOutsideClick to false like in the example will never allow outside click and I don’t see a valid method in the docs

Sweetalert2 redirection

I’m struggling with this for a few hours already and I think that the solution is very simple. First a bit of background. So, I have a php page where I can enter a number in a texfield. If the number entered is higher than the credit the user has, then I have to show an error message. When the
