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Tag: sorting

Javascript sort array of objects using array of priority

I have this array of objects: I want to sort these array of objects using a priority array of a specific key, say [“live”, “upcoming”, “completed”] for status, meaning all live events come first, followed by upcoming followed by completed. Answers all over the internet seem like you can only sort array objects using keys as ascending or descending. How

How to sort multi-array / nested map by value (e.g. from Firestore) in JavaScript

I’m trying to get a multi-array / nested map sorted by value via JavaScript / TypeScript. My array currently looks like this: Now I’d like to sort by the [‘information’][‘name’] values like this: Does anybody know how to do that? I’m especially struggling with the nested stuff… Thank you in advance! Answer Using String.prototype.localeCompare, you can compare the string values

Object’s values sorted in desecending order

I have this object: Each gladiator has its own abilities and as values are the skill for each ability, I want to print them in desecending order by total skill, this is where I am at the moment: this code prints: I simply want it to print: I want the total skill to be in descending order, if its equal,

Generate striped blocks of indexes from an array

I have an array of n length and I want to generate a new array to act as a list of its indexes such that the indexes are “striped” into blocks. By “striping” I mean that we’ll move up the indexes from A-Z in an incremental fashion multiple times, retaining a patterned order. For example, let’s say our array has

passing props directly to utility function

i have below common function for sorting, and i am calling above function like as below, for numeric type i am sorting based on nominalSize, now i would like to pass this field directly from here sortSelectOptions(options, null, ‘numeric’) as prop. The options are array of objects and one of the property is nominalSize. I am looking kind of generic

JavaScript sort value by arrow function

in JavaScript , we can use array.sort((a, b) => a-b) to sort the array in increasing order. I know that we pass a function into the sort to customize it. It is said when a – b = positive value, then place b in the first, like (b, a) descending order. I wonder how this positive value influence the order
