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Tag: – socket.on wait for promise

I have a button that does some communication with the server to check if an entered value (via an input box) already exists. The code is the following: The problem is that the checkReturn call is asynchronous, and therefore the code carries on without actually waiting for the result. How do I make sure that checkReturn is first finished and

Send response to all clients except sender

To send something to all clients, you use: To receive from clients, you use: How can I combine the two so that when recieving a message on the server from a client, I send that message to all users except the one sending the message? Do I have to hack it around by sending the client-id with the message and

Remove objects on disconnect

I’m using Nodejs and When the client connects, new JavaScript objects are created. Do these objects just linger forever? Should they be deleted or removed when the client disconnects? Is it even possible to remove an object? I know delete won’t work… Thanks – I guess this is more of a general question and any suggestions would be really

Cross-domain connection in Socket.IO

Is it possible to use Socket.IO in a cross domain manner? If so, how? The possibility is mentioned around the web but no code examples are given anywhere. Answer Quoting the FAQ: Does Socket.IO support cross-domain connections? Absolutely, on every browser! As to how it does it: Native WebSockets are cross-domain by design, serves a flash policy file
