I am currently working on a news website using react js (backend expres.js rest API). This site needs social share functionality with the image and title of the post. I add meta tags using a helmet. I tried to pre-render packages too, Even though this does not show images of the post when sharing. Can I achieve this using API
Tag: server-side-rendering
How to detect and use the page language in nextJS (ReferenceError: window is not defined)
Im trying to make a site that could identify the country and set the language. To do this in react i use to call thw window.navigator.language. The entire file: the pt / en files its just JSONS with all texts. But window doesnt exist in nextJS That error appears: ReferenceError: window is not defined I need to use out of
Warning Prop `href` did not match. using react server-side-rendering
I am using react-router-dom and I am guessing that this is causing the problem, but I have no clue where to even start looking or how to fix it. I also am getting errors like Warning: Did not expect server HTML to contain a <nav> in <div>. As I stated, I’m not really sure where to look so if you