I’ve created a text editor using HTML and jQuery codes and I want to be able to place it in a textarea, like those editors you can find on the internet. I’ve tried to understand how do they manage to do that in order to do the same, but I’ve failed. I need to place the editor (that is in
Tag: rich-text-editor
Moving caret to the end in a content editable div not working in IE11
I implemented a process where the user selects an option from a div, and it is inserted in the content editable div. To achieve that, first I save the selection range on the mouseup and keyup events of the editable div. When the user clicks on one of the options of the div, it restores the selection range, inserts the
Detach event handlers selectively
I have a html richText editor. My code structure is like this: Our app is single page application, and there are multiple richtexteditor instances opened in different panes. I need to destroy the instance when the node corresponding to this has been removed. Destroy should remove all the event handlers attached by that instance. So far Date.now() for uniquely identifying