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Tag: responsive

Javascript Responsive Breakpoints Are Not Working

I have set some responsive breakpoints in javascript but they arent registering and changing once those breakpoints are met. I have added a snippet of my code along with a link to the fiddle below. Any suggestions or ideas to what the issue might be? – Link to my fiddle Answer should be settings, not setting

Unable to make responsive aligment

Screenshot (The layout i look for) : My codes My current code : Works fine with large desktop, big screen and resolution But, When i check it with small desktop, mobile and small resolution screen, than the layout getting missed up. How to i make this responsive? Answer Removed most of the code from your CSS and used flex-wrap to

Why doesn’t my JS update my data-theme back?

I want to have a button inside my navbar (ul li) that can toggle between theme=light and theme=dark. However, only activating dark mode works. Code: I created a button <li><a href=”#” onclick=”darkMode()”><i class=”fas fa-moon”></i></a></li>, with a JS function and my css looks like this: Answer 1. You start the function by setting the isOn to false. so Boolean(isOn) === false
