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Tag: promise

reactJS useState hook actual value is out dated in async promises

In my react function component I send multiple server request and update a state hook value through asynchronous promises by appending server results to state most recent value, but once promise is created, value of state hook is not updated within the running promise, so if another promise updates state value, other running promises don’t get informed and as a

Multithreading with javascript promises

Just learning promises. Javascript is single threaded right? So when it uses fetch api to make http requests it all happens in one thread? How does it manage concurrency with PromisePool then? Then two then above cannot run on multiple threads right? Just in one thread? Thanks Answer Javascript is single threaded right? No. That’s a common over-simplification. JavaScript runs

How can I wait until the functions finish in Reactjs?

Hi I am new to reactjs and I am trying to build button with a function doing some calculation by Reactjs. The logic is, first I will get two lists from database by two functions. After these 2 functions return results and setState, the calculate function will continue and do its job. But somehow the state is not being updated

Why is this promise returning undefined?

I am trying to write a simple function like this and I have made a firebase helper like this however, league is logging out as undefined and in here is logging out second. however, I thought it would be the other way around? I thought it would “await” for this function to resolve then once it’s resolved, it would show

Unexpected unhandledRejection event for promise which rejection does get handled

Updated, I’ve now tried explaining the behavior I’m seeing, but it’d still be great to have an answer from a credible source about the unhandledRejection behavor. I’ve also started a discussion thread on Reddit. Why do I get an unhandledRejection event (for “error f1”) in the following code? That’s unexpected, because I handle both rejections in the finally section of
