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Tag: openlayers-3

Filter features with properties in OpenLayers

I’d like to filter features on the map using the feature properties. For example if I have this property in the geojson: And I want to see only featuers with Start > 10, how can I implement that features with Start < 10 are hidden? If I change the style with following code the features are transparent but they are

Adding an opacity slider to an Openlayers map

It is straightforward to add an opacity slider for a raster layer using this line of code: But this is untidy as the slider is located above the map. How can I insert a slider (horizontal or vertical) onto the map to control the opacity of the layer so that it looks similar to the other map controls? Is there

Openlayers 4 Adding Animation Pause/Continue Functionality?

I am using open layers 4. I am moving and stoping marker animation as this example without any problem. But I want to add pause and continue functionality to marker also. I edit some variables and endeavor on the issue with these functions. When I call continueAnimation function at first, the elapsedTime parameter become negative and give exception on moveFeature

What is the purpose of attribute “population” in OpenLayer Features?

In feature usage example, there is 2 attributes called population and rainfall. What does it means? I searched around and didn’t find any information. Answer It’s an example of adding generic properties to a feature that you can then use elsewhere. The example doesn’t make it super obvious. In that example you could add another property called ‘numberOfDonkeys’ with a

Openlayers Feature Style zIndex

I have a circle, which has an animation running on it, here is a quick hacked jsFiddle to demonstrate. I can not seem to get the zIndex property working on the circle (not the circle animation), it appears that the animation is on top of the circle. Where should I put the zIndex property to get the circle on

how to add markers with OpenLayers 3

I’m trying to add makers on a OpenLayers 3 map. The only example I have found is this one in the OpenLayers example list. But the example uses ol.Style.Icon instead of something like OpenLayers.Marker in OpenLayers 2. First Question The only difference would be that you have to set the image Url but is it the only way to add
