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Tag: object

How to sort an array with special conditions

I just want to return an array containing the first and second objects based on the “point” property of an object and I have a condition below, When the condition is satisfied it will swap places. Given the following object: the result I want is Answer You could group the data with an object for the indices and an array

JS Using objects dinamic keynames

I need to use object which contains my settings, mainly keynames assignment. But I cant figure out why it does not work Everything seems quite simple but it gives me error! So what im doing wrong? Answer Try this:

How do I group data that is nested in an array?

I have a array of objects and then inside each of the object I have another array, I want to group the data inside the object array according to their category name. I tried doing it with a reduce function but it is basically giving me the same data(it is not even transformed), It’s like it is not even calling.

merge Object and array mapping object key [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 9 months ago. Improve this question Merge one object into array object basis on object key and array object
