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Tag: node-postgres

Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client bug with Express and node-postgres

I’m stuck with the issue of sending response back to the caller after retrieving something from Postgres database. It appears that headers are automatically written after fetchUserDB is executed (regardless of its success). This leads to the error ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT when I try to return the response back using res.json() menthod. These are the headers after fetchUsedDB is called (just before

Node js shared variables and multiple users and multiple entry-points

I have an node-js application that I’m switching from a single-tenant database to a multi-tenant database. The application code is called from an express api but there are also services that run through a different entrypoints, so req.session is not always available. Currently I have database function calls all throughout the app like:, callback) Since the app is changing
