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Tag: mongoose

findOne not working? mongoose / mongodb server

basically a user has properties {_id: objectid, username: string, password: string, .. etc} I send this route a json like below to change its username Assume Admin123 doesn’t exist then const foundUser would not be null because there is no user in the user collection with username Admin123. However const foundUser is never null? I’m not sure what I am

Does Mongoose auto cast types?

When I retrieve and modify a Lobby with this Schema it seems to automatically cast types. I could not find the documentation for that feature so I am wondering if I am mistaken something else for autocasting. I convert the types of password and owner to true or false because this is an exposed API endpoint everyone can view. When

Nest can’t resolve dependencies of the UserModel (?)

When I try to use MongooseModel on Users I am getting the following error Nest can’t resolve dependencies of the UserModel (?). Please make sure that the argument DatabaseConnection at index [0] is available in the MongooseModule context. /src/database/database.module.ts /src/database/database.provider.ts /src/app.module.ts /src/auth/auth.module.ts /src/users/user.module.ts Answer Instead of configuring mongoose statically in your database.provider.ts, you should use the MongooseModule.forRootAsync import:

Async/await in Nodejs + Mongoose

I’m new to Promises and async/await programming and I am not sure I am getting it straight. I am creating an API in Nodejs, with Express, Mongoose and MongoDB. I have seen a lot of tutorials on how to deal with asynchronicity but all of them are about NodeJs projects where the routing and the DB query are in the

How to drop index from mongodb schema using mongoose?

I’m trying to remove an index from my mongoDB collection in node.js application using mongoose. I tried using model.collection.dropIndex(“username”) but it gives me an error UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: MongoError: index not found with name [username]. Here is my Schema When I perform the query in mongo shell from the terminal using command db.usertable.find({}), I can see that the results still have username
