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Tag: matrix

JS: convert 2D matrix into another?

I have a 2D matrix with an -1000 to + 1000 X/Y coordinate system. For plotting purposes, I want to transform that into another coordinate system, where 0,0 is at the top left. Any idea how to do that? I know how to do a linear projection of a single axis, but doing that independently yields distortions, especially if the

Displaying Opencv.js Matrix without cv.imshow()

Hello Stack Overflow community. I am attempting to extract the pixel values from a cropped section of an opencv matrix to a javascript array in order to feed that data into a tensor for OCR. I cannot use cv.imshow() because it interacts with the DOM and my process is on a web worker. This is what I have so far

Understanding Matrix in SVG

I need help in deep understanding of matrix in SVG. I already know about matrix, I want to rotate and scale without using scale or rotate word. I want to use transform=’matrix(a,b,c,d,e,f)’. I know ‘a/d’ value determine the scale, ‘e/f’ determines the position. tan(b),tan(c) determines the skew. cos(a),sin(b),-sin(c),cos(d) determines the angle.But I want to know how this work, I need
