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Tag: jestjs

Error: Not implemented: window.scrollTo. How do we remove this error from Jest test?

The error: Because we are using window.scrollTo(0,0). Also getting Not implemented Navigation for: window.location.replace(externa_link) same error happens with .assign. I tried googling for solutions with react-router, but all examples use some component which contains window.location. Is there a way to avoid this error? Or hide it? I did some research and found that the Facebook team isn’t going to address

How to mock dispatch in vueJs testing

I am currently performing unit tests on my application as seen. But I have a problem. How to mock or exploit the dispatch of Vuex ? My method to test : My unit test : I have a error message : Dispatch is not a function. Why ? Do you help me please ? I don’t understand why I had

Jest test: Cannot find module, in typescript component import

The path to my styled objects is correct, however not sure why I’m getting the following error: Cannot find module ‘../../shared/models’ from ‘Astronaut.tsx’ import { moonHoldings } from ‘../../shared/models’; My simple Jest test: The Astronaut component The Jest config section of my Package.json And my folder structure: Answer Ok I just fixed this by created an index file inside of
