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Tag: google-translate

Modifying output of google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.VERTICAL

I’ve read this answer Modifying element from google.translate.TranslateElement results as well as others dealing with modifying the style and loading of the Google Translate translate element. The difference with my usage is that I’m using layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.VERTICAL instead of SIMPLE; all of the other answers deal with SIMPLE. One issue I’m having is using .fadeIn on the google-translate div doesn’t

Google API Key for Local Testing

Is there any way to get a Google API key for local testing purposes? I intend to use some of the Google APIs mainly for educational purposes (i.e For learning about it..) and I need to generate an API key without supplying a web site URL..Thanks in advance.. P.S: If it helps I’m trying to learn about Google Translate API
