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Tag: gatsby-image

Gatsby: getImage returns undefined

getImage is returning undefined so my GatsbyImage component is not rendered. File structure: src/pages/gallery.js src/images (has 12 photos named photo-01.jpg, photo-02.jpg, …) I have the following code (gallery.js): what can i have wrong? Answer The problem is that you are mixing gatsby-image (from Gatsby 1 to Gatsby 2) and gatsby-plugin-image (from Gatsby 3 onwards). The first one is now deprecated.

gatsby-image-background using v3 gatsby-image

I am trying to make gatsby-background-image work with v3 of gatsby-plugin-image. I have followed documentation and found I should be using gbimage-bridge. For some reason it doesn’t seem to work. My query works fine when testing in ide. I have tried to change my query and consts in all sorts of ways but can’t seem to make it work. Right
