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Tag: ecmascript-6

Creating an array by nested map with filtering

I have data like above, I want to make list of properties which has isMain property is true like the example below. How can I best do this with ES6? expectation ==> Answer You need to flat the array and then use the filter method to get your desired items from nested array, this will work even if you have

Javascript ES6 Syntax Radio button check

I have been trying to convert my code using the ES6 syntax and wondering why are my form’s radio and checked buttons not registering as true when check. I still get the error message even if a user selects one of the choices? Could you please help me with what I’m doing wrong so I can better understand. Answer Cycle

ES6 reduce array without typescript error

i want to remove the first array element, without modified the original (immutable), something like this: the code works, but the typescript check complained: Is there the elegant/better way to do somilar to getAnother()? Answer You can ignore an element with a comma. Array#slice can also be used in this case.

convert/rename keys in object?

I have an object looking like: I would like to rename all keys to be I’ve come up with this so far, which fails, likely because it’s not valid 🙂 So how do i rename the key and assign the correct value? Answer You can reduce over the Object.entries to create a new object (not an array which is what

Access values from keys in typescript

In my typescript application, I have the config.json in the following format: Now, in my .ts file, I want to read these key value pairs, and I am using the following code: I am trying to compare the values in ‘if’ statement, using the following ‘eventfilters[i][keys[j]]’. However, its throwing the following error ‘Type ‘Object’ cannot be used as an index
