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Tag: ecmascript-6

How to remove event callback with parameters

I have a web application that page A has video, and page B doesn’t. The video has the onended event when it finishes video playback. I tried to remove the event before the component unmounts with removeEventListener, or the video ended event will be fired after I switched to page B. However, I cannot find the proper way to remove

Extending Promise base class typings

I am trying to extend Promise base class, with a static method and an instance method. I am having trouble with the typescript definitions. See my code below! With this code, when I try to defined Promise.timeout above, typescript gives me the error : Property timeout is a static member of type PromiseConstructor. If I try to define the typing

Babel with Internet Explorer

Why isn’t this working in IE11 ? I was under the impression that Babel will automatically convert new-style code to old-style. Is there some configuration setup to be done ? Answer Babel can transform language features from newer versions of JavaScript into equivalents in older versions. It can’t polyfill APIs which aren’t supported (like fetch). You would need to find
