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Tag: discord.js

discord.js upper case & lower case embed message not working

So I wrote a “test” command and wanted to make it in a way where when people type -test, the upper cases and lower cases don’t matter. The command should work with -test, -Test, -TEST, etc. Currently, the command only works with -test and no upper cases. I also tried changing it from toLowerCase(); to toUpperCase(); and the (command ===

How to respond with embeds

Currently I am trying to work on my bot and update its responses. Right now I am trying to use the code below to make it respond with the random embeds I made. For some reason when doing using this code the bot either responds with “NaN” or “3”? Answer The purpose of: Is to generate a pseudo-random integer between

How to make a timed bool in discord.js

I want my bot to reply “Good morning” whenever someone says “good morning”, for example. I’ve got all that figured out, but now I wanted to put a timer onto it and it is getting a bit more complicated. I want the timer to be for absolutely everyone on the server. If anyone says good morning then let’s make the

Small discord.js Avatar image

Avatar issue example I am trying to do the discord.js avatar command and it works. It sends the image it needs to send but the issue is that the image sent is small compared to other bots. Am using the command handler in the discord.js guide Answer You can add a size option like how you did with you format

role overwrites when creating a role discord.js

When my bot joins a new guild it creates a role & sets overwrites. I have 2 questions: Is it possible to move this role to the top of the list or at least somewhere close? How would I go on displaying this role separately from online members? Answer To display a role separately from online members, you can use

Is there a difference between GuildMemberManager.resolve() and Guild.member() in discord.js?

Guild.member() returns the GuildMember form of a User object, if the user is present in the guild. It takes a UserResolvable as a parameter (user ID or object). GuildMemberManager resolves a GuildMemberResolvable to a GuildMember object. What confused me is that a GuildMemberResolvable can be either a GuildMember object or a UserResolvable. First of all, why would anybody need to
