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Tag: discord.js

members map with a limit per page

how could I make a member limit on a page? for example: only 10 members would appear on the first page, and to see the second page you would have to react with ⏩ Answer I would get the list of users as an array, then use slice to return a portion of the array. In your case I would

how can i move users with reaction

im trying to create bot that move users when they react in message create channel and move the user to the channel that was created , err = Cannot read property ‘setChannel’ of undefined Answer You need a GuildMember to access their voice state. Your mem variable is wrong so, you need to get the member instead.

activities of bot update informations

I put it in the status to show how many members are online of the total number, but it does not update the real number, only when the bot is restarted, is there any way that when this activity arrives, the information appears with the new data? Answer You need to regenerate the Strings in the Array every run:

How to fix code not moving channel under category

The code created category and channel and gave me this error: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘hasOwnProperty’ of undefined without moving the channel in the category This is the code to the error: Answer The channel.setParent call fails on this line since category is undefined. Looks like the guild does not have a category channel named ‘Tickets’. Since you’re creating the
