I would like to send a message to all channels that are in all servers that are called “labycheck-shop” at 12 midnight. I have already tried this but it did not work: Answer This feature can turn out to be spammy on the Discord API, so you might want to keep that in mind I believe that you might be
Tag: discord.js
Send message to specific channel (command on module.exports)
So I don’t wanna make a mess out of my Main.js so I try to make every possible command through module.exports in other documents.js Basically I need that if I send a command, the bot will delete my message and post a comment+embed on a specific channel. This is what I have (making it simple): I’ve read another Questions and
Auto Reaction Roles / Discord.js Bot
So I’m having a slight issue getting my auto roles to work I have been trying to sort it via message.js and in the reactionrole.js but its still giving the same issue wondering if anyone can help would be appreciated as I have looked up about it via tutorials and apart from a few differences due to different text /
Embed: DiscordAPIError: Cannot send an empty message
It’s me again.. Alright so: I’m trying to make a command that will warn users they joined a wrong server, But when I run the command, I get the Cannot send an empty msg error.. Really, any help would be appreciated! Error: Answer From discord.js v13 onwards, the API supports up to 10 embeds per message. So, instead of: Pass
Shard Dying Over and Over Discordjs
I am trying to shard my bot in discord.js. Client.js is my bot.js file I have this code in my index.js file to shard But I keep getting this error: (node:27636) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error [SHARDING_READY_DIED]: Shard 0’s process exited before its Client became ready. I need some help on sharding it properly Answer There are a couple problems I would like
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘voice’ of undefined. In play.js when trying to run a command
I get the error UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘voice’ of undefined in my code. Is it a problem with dependencies or is it an error in the code. This is my code. This is my bot.js code This is a music command which i am trying to make an requires you to be in a voice channel in discord
How to select random object from JSON file in discord.js
I’ve done some searching around and I found some posts on here but my code doesn’t want to work. Basically I’m making a discord bot and I want to select an object from a JSON file at random. This is my command: And this is my JSON file: If I want put the objects in the command manually and then
Bot isn’t listening to guildMemberAdd
I signed up just a few moments ago because something was really bothering me: I have the following code: For some reason, when I leave and rejoin the server, the embed isn’t sending at all to the channel. I am getting no errors in the console. Any ideas on what may have gone wrong? Thanks. 🙂 Answer You need ‘Server
Empty all channels with bulkDelete
I can’t seem to empty all my channels of their messages … Here is my code: Do you have any idea to solve my problem? Solution : Thank you Answer client doesn’t have a guild property. This returns undefined which then gives you that error. Perhaps you meant message.guild? message would be any Discord.Message, either from a parameter, fetched from
Timed Mute Command ‘UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: DiscordAPIError: Unknown Role’ error
I’m making a timed mute command, but i get a lot of errors, the principal one being : Here is the bugged code : The problem comes from the fact that I get all roles from the user, store it and then give it back. I don’t know if there is any other way to do it but that’s what