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Tag: css

Tab selection without jQuery

I have a function in jQuery to switch tabs and as it the only one using jQuery, I want to convert it to JS only. After hours of trying (still learning) and feeling miserable to fail at this trivial thing, I humbly ask for help. I was about here when I gave up, my forEach/event listener won’t even work and

Expand background jQuery trigger not working

The goal is when you click on the image behind the red square, the red square expands to the whole webpage. But the moment after you clicked on the image the transition plays like this… …and ended like this. when you click on the red expanded square it transitions perfectly back to this, but in a different shape not where

SVG stroke animation not working in Safari

My JS code goes over each path, and adds a stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset according to path length: Then, My CSS just animates the dashoffset to 0, while lowering the stroke opacity and raising the fill opacity: This works perfectly in Chrome – the animation shows the paths being drawn, but in Safari, the paths just show up without any animation.

Why functions are not working properly in my calculator?

Can you help me identify where’s the problem with this code? I’m a beginner at coding and very likely I’m missing something obvious, but here’s my problem. When clicking on numbers it seems to work fine, also adding gets to clear the display and (I think) it stores the value in its variable (operandA) but not getting the rest to

added styling to my table and it stopped working

I have made an order form in java and html css everything was going well until I decided to put some styling in my code and now it doesn’t reset post it basically does nothing its probably something small but I cant find it even when I use the javascript console. It needs to show the amount and I need
