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Tag: cloudinary

how to format cloudinary sort_by parameter to prevent error

hello stack overflow community, I’m fetching my images from cloudinary and the post request is working fine, until I add the sort_by parameter to the URL. This will lead to an error based on the sort format. The official documentation describes the valid format as following: “An array of string values representing a key value pair, where the key is

Middleware “strapi::session”: App keys are required. Please set app.keys in config/server.js (ex: keys: [‘myKeyA’, ‘myKeyB’])

Trying to set up strapi and cloudinary I watched two videos and they are all OK, but I have an error, tell me why? Middleware “strapi::session”: App keys are required. Please set app.keys in config/server.js (ex: keys: [‘myKeyA’, ‘myKeyB’]) plugins.js .env server.js middlewares.js admin.js Answer It looks like you don’t have APP_KEYS defined in your .env file (assuming you’re sharing
