Saw a few questions similar to this, but was not able to find an answer. When the page loads, I want to start running these 2 functions (http requests). However, when there is an error, I want to be able to ClearInterval. However, given that those 2 setIntervals are invoked and declared within useEffect, I’m unable to clear it outside.
Tag: clearinterval
Why clearInterval() is not working in timer Js?
I am training to work with js and one of the projects was a pomodoro timer. The timer works well from the main panel and stops and switches between tabs. But if you click on the clock button in the header and select any of the options there, then the timer does not stop and is not cleared when switching
ClearInterval doesn’t work. What is the problem? How can I solve it? First I click the random background every 4 seconds button, then I click the random background onclick button, but the interval doesn’t stop. Why? How can I solve this? Answer There are a couple of issues with your code. Firstly, you need to declare your myInterval variable outside of the generator2() function. The second issue is that your interval
SetInterval does not work well after some actions
When I press Start button it runs In my game it moves blocks from top to bottom each second. Also I have a laser which shoots and destroy blocks. When you press space key it use another laserId = setInterval(moveLaser, 100) Before you press space key blocks move well each second, but after using lazer blocks move faster then 1
javascript clearInterval() function is not working
//I want when user press key interval stop , than new interval start again but old interval cant stop Answer You have two problems. You have var interval inside your function so it gets reset every time the function runs. setTimeout will call a function, once, after a time period. It won’t clear an interval, you need clearInterval for that.