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Tag: aws-api-gateway

Uncaught (in promise) API does not exist

I’m trying to add existing backend to a new react frontend. Every time I call the API from react i get, Uncaught (in promise) API api3ceaf69c does not exist Client side code index.js aws-exports.json “aws-amplify”: “^4.3.27” Error Error screenshot I went through multiple answers around the same issue but none of them are working for me. Interestingly this exact same

CORS error, but data is fetched regardless

I have a generated React site I am hosting in an S3 bucket. One of my components attempts to fetch something when loaded: The url I am fetching is an AWS API Gateway. I have enabled CORS there, via the dropdown, with no changes to the default configuration. In my console, for both the remote site and locally during development,
