I am using a class component. When I run this script, it plots the graphic, but in the next line when it calls the function computePM_from_ClickedPoint, I get the error below. The error refers to “this”, but without it, I cannot call the function. Suggestions? Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘computePM_from_ClickedPoint’) tried unsuccessfully changing the call to: Answer
Tag: arcgis-js-api
create a map point for each member of an array js ArcGIS API
I’ve created an array of volcanoes with latitudes and longitudes from a geoJSON file. I would like to see if its possible to create a loop which iterates through the array to create points with the values. Previously when I have attempted this I am presented with an empty map if it even loads. My array is created such as
Get new point coordinate by current Point coordinate, angle and distance in arcgis js api 4.x
I want to get coordinate (x,y) of a point B based on coordinate of point A and distance from the point A and an angle using Arcgis js API 4.x . For example : i have point A in (a,b) the distance between A and B is 500m and the angle is 20°, how can i get (x,y) of B.