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Tag: angular

Take desktop screenshot with Electron

I am using Electron to create a Windows application that creates a fullscreen transparent overlay window. The purpose of this overlay is to: take a screenshot of the entire screen (not the overlay itself which is transparent, but the screen ‘underneath’), process this image by sending the image as a byte stream to my python server, and draw some things

How to check table column data type

I am trying to make table configurable. Before that I am making demo component through which I can make a my own configurable table. I want to pass few things to my table like, column names and data. Column Name I want to pass like this: the dataType above states that this column will have input type text when is

is there any workaround for returning the value of res from readCsv() method instead of undefined?

the scenario is i am having the file uploader, which accept .json,.csv file after having file, If i clicked on upload button ,then homeComponent call the service dataparser , which is having two function readJson readCsv, and readcsv function returning the observable other one returns array ,this is simple i have to call the both function on if else and
