I am not able to clearly Identify the bug, data is send in JSON Format still it is showing unusual error
Forgot Password Route
exports.forgotPassword = catchAsyncErrors(async (req, res, next) => { const user = await User.findOne({ email: req.body.email }); if (!user) { return next(new ErrorHandler("User not found", 404)); } // Get ResetPassword Token const resetToken = user.getResetPasswordToken(); await user.save({ validateBeforeSave: false }); const resetPasswordUrl = `${req.protocol}://${req.get( "host" )}/password/reset/${resetToken}`; const message = `Your password reset token is :- nn ${resetPasswordUrl} nnIf you have not requested this email then, please ignore it.`; try { await sendEmail({ email: JSON.stringify(user.email), subject: `Ecommerce Password Recovery`, message }); res.status(200).json({ success: true, message: `Email sent to ${user.email} successfully` }); } catch (error) { user.resetPasswordToken = undefined; user.resetPasswordExpire = undefined; await user.save({ validateBeforeSave: false }); return next(new ErrorHandler(error.message, 500)); } });
forgotPassword Action.js
export const forgotPassword = (email) => async(dispatch)=>{ try{ dispatch({type: FORGOT_PASSWORD_REQUEST}); const config = {headers : {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}; const {data} = await axios.post( "/api/v1/password/forgot", email, config ); dispatch({ type: FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS, payload : data.message, }) }catch(error) { dispatch({ type: FORGOT_PASSWORD_FAIL, payload: error.response.data.message, }); } }
As mentioned in some answers online available I have made few changes but Error is still their,
- In Action.js I have written content type as “application/json”.
- in forgotPassword Route while sending email to function, I have used a method JSON.stringify.
Your axios.post
statement sends a request whose body is an email address (i.e., plain text), but the Content-Type: application/json
wrongly claims it to be JSON. That leads to the observed error.
Correct would be
const data = await axios.post( "/api/v1/password/forgot", {email}, config );
(Note the absence of braces around data