I hope, you can help me. I am now stuck at this problem for several Days and can’t solve it.
With the BTNReminder
Button I set a Timer. When the time’s up the AudioElement
play the sond i set. Now i Try to Stop the Sound but i am not able to Catch the AudioElement
. I have tried to Mute the whole Tab, but that alsow didend Work. Idealy I woud like to make some Function, that Paus the Audio Element onclick like this audioElement.pause();
Is this possible? Did I make somwhere a Mistake?
Pleas Help :-/
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="de"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <title>Major Support</title> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> </head> <div class="buttonWrapperDiv"> <h3 id="minutes">00:00</h3> <span id="count"></span> <button id="stopBTNtwo">STOP</button> </div> <div class="btnWrapper"> <button id="BTNReminder" value="5">5 seconds</button> </div> </div>
<script> $(function () { function countdownReal(number) { $("#").html(number); if (number === 0) { d.resolve(); } else { number -= 1; window.setTimeout(function () { countdownReal(number); }, 1000); } return d.promise(); } function waitForAudioToFinish(audioElement) { if (!audioElement.paused) { setTimeout(function () { waitForAudioToFinish(audioElement); }, 200); } else { d1.resolve(); } } function playSong(src) { var audioElement = document.createElement("audio"); audioElement.setAttribute("autoplay", "autoplay"); audioElement.setAttribute("id", "beepbeep"); audioElement.setAttribute("value", "test"); audioElement.setAttribute("src", src); audioElement.play(); waitForAudioToFinish(audioElement); function mute(audioElement){ audioElement.muted = true; audioElement.pause(); } return d1.promise(); } var d = new $.Deferred(); var d1 = new $.Deferred(); $("#BTNReminder").click(function () { var fired_button = $(this).val(); $("#BTNReminder").on("click", function () { function countdown(fired_button) { var seconds = 5; var mins = 1; function tick() { var minutenCounter = document.getElementById("minutes"); var current_minutes = mins - 1; seconds--; minutenCounter.innerHTML = current_minutes.toString() + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + String(seconds); if (seconds > 0) { setTimeout(tick, 1000); } else { if (mins > 1) { countdown(mins - 1); } } } tick(); } countdown(fired_button); function countdownZwei(fired_button) { var seconds = 5; var mins = 1; function tick() { var minutenCounter = document.getElementById("minutes"); var current_minutes = mins - 1; seconds--; minutenCounter.innerHTML = current_minutes.toString() + ":" + (seconds < 10 ? "0" : "") + String(seconds); if (seconds > 0) { setTimeout(tick, 1000); } else { if (mins > 1) { countdown(mins - 1); } } } tick(); } countdownZwei(fired_button); $(this).prop("disabled", true); $.when(countdownReal(fired_button)).then(function () { playSong("audio.mp3").then(function () { $(".BTNmajor").prop("disabled", false); }); }); }); }); }); </script> </body> </html>
I have solved the problem this way:
var audioElement = document.createElement("audio"); function playSong(src) { audioElement.setAttribute("autoplay", "autoplay"); audioElement.setAttribute("src", src); audioElement.play(); waitForAudioToFinish(audioElement); return d1.promise(); } $("#stopBTN").click(function () { audioElement.pause() });