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share more information on var/object properties when on hover for the developer (JS/REACT/TS)

I have a a complex theme object, everything is typed in typescript.

I have an object, lets say:

that’s much larger and complex then this:

const themeObj = { 
  colors: {
    red1: "#asd123",
    //... etc
  sizes: {
    size1: "10px",
    size2: "11px",
    size3: "14px",

the ts works fine, in which I can use the theme object and it will show me on hover:

fontSize: theme.sizes.size3; //can auto complete, and shows me all sizes

except the main issue I have with this is it only show that the size (i.e. size3) is a string

like so: (property) size3: string

It would be extremely valuable if I could add more information to this hover, such as the actual value of the string (14px). I could use this sort of detailed feature in multiple places. I have a very difficult time googling this as well.

Is this IDE dependant? I use vscode.



Since you say you’re using TypeScript, you can simply change the themeObj to be typed as const, and then its values won’t be widened to string.

enter image description here
