I’m trying to copy a json string to the clipborad:
export const copyToClipboard = () => { const text = '{ "name": "hello"}'; const selBox = document.createElement('input'); selBox.style.position = 'fixed'; selBox.style.left = '0'; selBox.style.top = '0'; selBox.style.opacity = '0'; selBox.value = JSON.stringify(text); console.log(text); console.log(selBox.value); document.body.appendChild(selBox); selBox.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(selBox); };
The problem is, the value from selBox
has the character in it.
The logs look like this:
{ "name": "hello"}
This is the text
"{ "name": "hello"}"
This is the value of selBox
Why is that happening and how do I fix it?
Variable text
is already a string so there is no need for JSON.stringify()