I want to send data of Contact Form[firstname,lastname,email,note] to a server but When I click Contact Button to Send data I got an e=Error Telling that firstname is not defined The mean that all the 5 variables not defined if Some Can Help This The Code of FormScreen.js:
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { View, Text, TextInput, SafeAreaView, Keyboard, ScrollView, Alert, } from 'react-native'; import COLORS from '../src/conts/colors'; import Button from '../src/views/components/Button'; import Input from '../src/views/components/Input'; import Loader from '../src/views/components/Loader'; const ContactForm = ({navigation}) => { const [inputs, setInputs] = React.useState({ firstname: '', lastname: '', email: '', note: '', }); const [errors, setErrors] = React.useState({}); const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(false); const validate = () => { Keyboard.dismiss(); let isValid = true; if (!inputs.firstname) { handleError('Please input first name', 'firstname'); isValid = false; } if (!inputs.lastname) { handleError('Please input last name', 'lastname'); isValid = false; } if (!inputs.email) { handleError('Please input email', 'email'); isValid = false; } else if (!inputs.email.match(/S+@S+.S+/)) { handleError('Please input a valid email', 'email'); isValid = false; } if (!inputs.note) { handleError('Please input note', 'note'); isValid = false; } if (isValid) { submitData(); } }; const submitData = ()=>{ fetch("https://flow.simpsimp.ai:2021/react/contact",{ method:"post", headers:{ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body:JSON.stringify({ firstname, lastname, email, note }) }) .then(res=>res.json()) .then(data=>{ alert(`${data.firstname} is saved successfuly`); props.navigation.navigate("Home") }) .catch(err=>{ alert("someting went wrong") }) }; const handleOnchange = (text, input) => { setInputs(prevState => ({...prevState, [input]: text})); }; const handleError = (error, input) => { setErrors(prevState => ({...prevState, [input]: error})); }; return ( <SafeAreaView style={{backgroundColor: COLORS.white, flex: 1}}> <Loader visible={loading} /> <ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{paddingTop: 50, paddingHorizontal: 20}}> <Text style={{color: COLORS.black, fontSize: 40, fontWeight: 'bold'}}> Contact us </Text> <Text style={{color: COLORS.grey, fontSize: 18, marginVertical: 10}}> Enter Your Details to Contact us </Text> <View style={{marginVertical: 20}}> <Input onChangeText={text => handleOnchange(text, 'firstname')} onFocus={() => handleError(null, 'firstname')} iconName="account-outline" label="First Name" placeholder="Enter your first name" error={errors.firstname} /> <Input onChangeText={text => handleOnchange(text, 'lastname')} onFocus={() => handleError(null, 'lastname')} iconName="account-outline" label="Last Name" placeholder="Enter your last name" error={errors.lastname} /> <Input onChangeText={text => handleOnchange(text, 'email')} onFocus={() => handleError(null, 'email')} iconName="email-outline" label="Email" placeholder="Enter your email address" error={errors.email} /> <Input onChangeText={text => handleOnchange(text, 'note')} onFocus={() => handleError(null, 'note')} iconName="note-outline" label="Note" placeholder="Enter your note" error={errors.note} /> <Button title="Contact Us" onPress={validate} /> </View> </ScrollView> </SafeAreaView> ); }; export default ContactForm;
This is The Error : enter image description here
It is because you never defined the variables in the body:
body: JSON.stringify({ firstname: inputs.firstname, lastname: inputs.lastname, email: inputs.email, note: inputs.note, }),
Use this part as the body