Hello, I want to make a basic visual editor for my plugins.
let x = { tag : "a", atts : { href : "/", class : "a", text:"link" }, components:[ { tag : "b", atts : { class : "a", text:"asdsad" }, components:[ //... ] } ] }
I have an js object like this. I want to get all “components” properties in this.
function render_blocks(blocks){ for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { const block = blocks[i]; let $block_html = $("<"+ block.tag +">",{...block.atts}); if(block.components){ for (let k = 0; k < block.components.length; k++) { const block_comp = block.components[k]; let $block_html_comp = $("<"+ block_comp.tag +">",{...block_comp.atts}); $block_html.html($block_html.html()+$block_html_comp[0].outerHTML); } } html = $block_html[0].outerHTML; console.log(html); } }
I am using a this function to convert js blocks to html. However this func is very bad :P.
Please HELLLP…
-Edit: How can I scan nested components properties in my object? They may be a lot of. I am searching a efficient way.
You can use recursion
let x = { tag: "a", atts: { href: "/", class: "a", text: "link" }, components: [ { tag: "b", atts: { class: "a", text: "asdsad" }, components: [{ last: "last" }] } ] }; let componentsArray = []; function getComponents(obj) { if (!obj.components) { return; } componentsArray.push(obj.components); obj.components.forEach(component => getComponents(component)); } getComponents(x); console.log("componentsArray ", componentsArray);