I am using electron and am trying to open a file browser when a user clicks on button. From the render process I am trying to include the elctron.dialog package like this.
const dialog = require( 'electron' ).dialog; console.log( dialog );
However the result from the console log is undefined
I am absolutely sure I am in the rendering process so I am not sure why this is not working. The documentation suggests that this is the correct way of doing things but it appears to not be working.
This is my package.json
{ "name": "my-app", "version": "0.1.0", "main": "./main.js", "scripts": { "start": "electron ." }, "dependencies": { "electron": "^0.4.1" } }
This is my main.js
'use strict'; var app = require( 'app' ); var BrowserWindow = require( 'browser-window' ); var ipc = require( 'ipc' ); var mainWindow = null; app.on( 'ready', function () { mainWindow = new BrowserWindow( { frame : true, height: 700, width : 500 } ); mainWindow.loadUrl( 'file://' + __dirname + '/app/index.html' ); mainWindow.openDevTools(); mainWindow.on( 'closed', function () { mainWindow = null; } ); } ); ipc.on( 'close-main-window', function () { app.quit(); } );
this is the rendered process file
// Add your index.js code in this file var ipc = require( 'ipc' ); const dialog = require( 'electron' ).dialog; console.log( dialog );
This is the console
Is this incorrect?
After a few hours of looking into it someone else pointed out to me that the “new” way (4/15/16) of doing this is the following.
var remote = require('remote'); var dialog = remote.require('dialog'); dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: [ 'openFile' ] }, function ( filename ) { console.log( filename.toString() ); } );
You must require remote
and then from remote require dialog. It looks like you no longer need to require electron