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Remove class on collapse (jquery)

I tried looking for an answer, but none of it has solved my problem yet. I am a beginner in learning to understand this code language and I think that my problem lies there.

I have created a JSFiddle with what I have up until now.


This is my problem:

When the div expands, it adds the class ‘selected’, which does the following:

.selected {
    background-color: #70a6b7;
    color: #ffffff;

This is all fine. But when I collapse it, I want .selected to be removed. I have tried several things with removeClass and such, but all of them did not do anything or cause even more problems.

I was wondering if any of you could help me fix this problem.

This is what I tried:




You need to use .toggleClass() instead of .addClass() for toggling classname:


Working Demo
