I have a Javascript array var array = ["1-2", "3-6", "4", "1-6", "4"]
and want to remove all elements that contain the variable var m = "6"
, i.e. “3-6” and “1-6”.
I found this line of code var newarray = array.filter(a => a !== "4")
, which creates a new array that does not contain the two “4” elements. But I have not found out how to use regular expressions in order to remove all elements that CONTAIN the given variable m = "6"
I thought about something like var newarray = array.filter(a => a !== /eval("return m")/)
, but this does not work.
I very appreciate your help and apologize for my English 🙂
const array = ["1-2", "3-6", "4", "1-6", "4"];
const newarray = array.filter(a => !a.includes("6"))
regex alternative
if you need complex pattern checking, the regex is the way to go.
const array = ["1-2", "3-6", "4", "1-6", "4"];
const newarray = array.filter(a => !a.match(/6/gi))
For example, checking uppercase and lowercase simultaneously, or multiple letters only with
or some numbers[678]
etc…without nested
or logic with if/else.
for learning regex you can use this https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/#regular-expressions
another info:
with regex I suggest to add also the
at the end just in case/6/g
means global (but in this case isn’t important, because if there are 6 at least one time. this code will work fine (if you care about multiple 6 then useg
also use
if you want to select also textsin fact without
: “A” and “a” aren’t the same
so withi
you don’t have to worry about UPPERCASE or lowercaseyou can use both them by doing like this