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Regex solution for matching groups does not work

Imagine a text like in this example:

some unimportant content

some unimportant content [["string1",1,2,5,"string2"]] some unimportant content

some unimportant content

I need a REGEX pattern which will match the parts in [[ ]] and I need to match each part individually separated by commas.

I already tried

const regex = /[[(([^,]*),?)*]]/g
const found = result.match(regex)

but it doesn’t work as expected. It matches only the full string and have no group matches. Also it has a catastrophic backtracking according to if the sample text is larger.

Output should be a JS array ["string1", 1, 2, 5, "string2"]

Thank you for your suggestions.



What about going with a simple pattern like /[[(.*)]]/g and then you’d just have to split the result (and apparently strip those extra quotation marks):

const result = `some unimportant content

some unimportant content [["string1",1,2,5,"string2"]] some unimportant content

some unimportant content`;

// const found = /[[(.*)]]/g.exec(result);
const found = /[[(.*?)]]/g.exec(result); // As suggested by MikeM
const arr_from_found = found[1].replace(/"/g, '').split(',');

console.log(arr_from_found); // [ 'string1', '1', '2', '5', 'string2' ]
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