I’m doing this puzzle, and sometimes when I give a new game the pieces go wrong, I added a function for it and from what I see it doesn’t work, my head can’t take it anymore. And I would also like to simplify the code a bit, that’s why I asked before.
var recuento = 0; var movimientos = 0; var CheckArray = new Array(9); function swapTiles(cell1, cell2) { var elem1 = document.getElementById(cell1), elem2 = document.getElementById(cell2); var tempClass = elem1.className; var tempText = elem1.textContent; elem1.className = elem2.className; elem1.textContent = elem2.textContent; elem2.className = tempClass; elem2.textContent = tempText; } function shuffle() { for (var row = 1; row <= 3; row++) { for (var column = 1; column <= 3; column++) { var row2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1); var column2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1); swapTiles("cell" + row + column, "cell" + row2 + column2); } } Check(); } function Check() { CheckArray[0] = document.getElementById("cell11").getAttribute('class'); CheckArray[1] = document.getElementById("cell12").getAttribute('class'); CheckArray[2] = document.getElementById("cell13").getAttribute('class'); CheckArray[3] = document.getElementById("cell21").getAttribute('class'); CheckArray[4] = document.getElementById("cell22").getAttribute('class'); CheckArray[5] = document.getElementById("cell23").getAttribute('class'); CheckArray[6] = document.getElementById("cell31").getAttribute('class'); CheckArray[7] = document.getElementById("cell32").getAttribute('class'); for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++) { CheckArray[x] = CheckArray[x].replaceAll('title', ''); } for (let i = 0; i < CheckArray.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < n - 1 - i; j++) { if (CheckArray[j] > CheckArray[j + 1]) { let aux = CheckArray[j]; CheckArray[j] = CheckArray[j + 1]; CheckArray[j + 1] = aux; movimientos++; } } } if (movimientos % 2 == 0) {} else { alert("No es pot resoldre"); } } function Comprobar() { var a = document.getElementById("cell11").getAttribute('class'); var b = document.getElementById("cell12").getAttribute('class'); var c = document.getElementById("cell13").getAttribute('class'); var d = document.getElementById("cell21").getAttribute('class'); var e = document.getElementById("cell22").getAttribute('class'); var f = document.getElementById("cell23").getAttribute('class'); var g = document.getElementById("cell31").getAttribute('class'); var h = document.getElementById("cell32").getAttribute('class'); var i = document.getElementById("cell33").getAttribute('class'); resultado = a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i; document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = resultado; if ((resultado === "tile1tile2tile3tile4tile5tile6tile7tile8tile9") == true) { alert("Has guanyat, felicitats!"); } else {} } function clickTile(row, column) { var cell = document.getElementById("cell" + row + column); var tile = cell.className; if (tile != "tile9") { if (column < 3) { if (document.getElementById("cell" + row + (column + 1)).className == "tile9") { swapTiles("cell" + row + column, "cell" + row + (column + 1)); recuento++; document.getElementById("control").innerHTML = recuento; Comprobar(); return; } } if (column > 1) { if (document.getElementById("cell" + row + (column - 1)).className == "tile9") { swapTiles("cell" + row + column, "cell" + row + (column - 1)); recuento++; document.getElementById("control").innerHTML = recuento; Comprobar(); return; } } if (row > 1) { if (document.getElementById("cell" + (row - 1) + column).className == "tile9") { swapTiles("cell" + row + column, "cell" + (row - 1) + column); recuento++; document.getElementById("control").innerHTML = recuento; Comprobar(); return; } } if (row < 3) { if (document.getElementById("cell" + (row + 1) + column).className == "tile9") { swapTiles("cell" + row + column, "cell" + (row + 1) + column); recuento++; document.getElementById("control").innerHTML = recuento; Comprobar(); return; } } } }
body { background: #6ca0e4c4; } .tile1, .tile2, .tile3, .tile4, .tile5, .tile6, .tile7, .tile8, .tile9 { display: table-cell; width: 180px; height: 180px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-image: url("attacusAtlas.png"); font-size: 10pt; cursor: pointer; border: 2px solid white; } .tile1 { background-position: left top; } .tile2 { background-position: center top; } .tile3 { background-position: right top; } .tile4 { background-position: left center; } .tile5 { background-position: center center; } .tile6 { background-position: right center; } .tile7 { background-position: left bottom; } .tile8 { background-position: center bottom; } .tile9 { background: white; cursor: default; }
<h1 class="green">Sliding Puzzle.</h1> <p> Hola, aquest és un <b>puzzle 3x3</b> .</p> <h2 id="movimientos"></h2> <h2 id="control"></h2> <h2 id="test"></h2> <center> <button onClick="shuffle();">New Game</button><br><br> <div class="dropdown"> <button onclick="myFunction()" class="dropbtn">Seleccionar dificultat</button> <div id="myDropdown" class="dropdown-content"> <a href="3x3.html">Fácil</a> <a href="4x4.html">Normal</a> </div> </div> <h2 id="movimientos"></h2> <h2 id="control"></h2> <h2 id="test"></h2> <br><br> <div id="table" style="display: table;"> <div id="row1" style="display: table-row;"> <div id="cell11" class="tile1" onClick="clickTile(1,1);">1</div> <div id="cell12" class="tile2" onClick="clickTile(1,2);">2</div> <div id="cell13" class="tile3" onClick="clickTile(1,3);">3</div> </div> <div id="row2" style="display: table-row;"> <div id="cell21" class="tile4" onClick="clickTile(2,1);">4</div> <div id="cell22" class="tile5" onClick="clickTile(2,2);">5</div> <div id="cell23" class="tile6" onClick="clickTile(2,3);">6</div> </div> <div id="row3" style="display: table-row;"> <div id="cell31" class="tile7" onClick="clickTile(3,1);">7</div> <div id="cell32" class="tile8" onClick="clickTile(3,2);">8</div> <div id="cell33" class="tile9" onClick="clickTile(3,3);">9</div> </div> </div> </center>
Something like this ought to work. Since I don’t know what you want to do with the results, I just put them in an array (cell_classes
let cell_classes = []; for(i = 1; i <= 4; i++){ for(j = 1; j <= 4; j++){ const tmp = document.getElementById("cell" + i + "" + j).getAttribute('class'); cell_classes.push(tmp); } }