I’m pretty new to both React and Recharts and I’m sitting with a bit of a predicament. I did quite a bit of reading up but I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for, so I am hoping I can get some help here.
I have a dataset that includes a list of processes with completed, failed and in progress statuses and I would like to show a stacked Bar Chart but normalise them – i.e. they all need to be the same width. I managed to get most of it working but displaying the value on the bars is proving to be a pain.
Below is my code:
export default class DashboardView extends React.Component<IDashboardView, {}>{ render() { const { dashboard, onDashboardItemClick } = this.props; const data = [ {name: 'NE Send', completed: 230, failed: 335, inprogress: 453}, {name: 'NE Resend', completed: 335, failed: 330, inprogress: 345}, {name: 'Miles Orchestrator', completed: 537, failed: 243, inprogress: 2110}, {name: 'Commissions Payment Orch', completed: 132, failed: 328, inprogress: 540}, {name: 'Business Integrators', completed: 530, failed: 145, inprogress: 335}, {name: 'SmartTrack', completed: 538, failed: 312, inprogress: 110} ]; const CustomizedLabel = React.createClass({ render () { const {x, y, value, dataKey} = this.props; const fullValue = value; //(value[1] - value[0]); return <text x={x-20} y={y+5} dy={0} fontSize='12' fill="#FFFFFF" fontWeight="Bold" textAnchor="start">{fullValue}</text> } }); return ( <div className="content c-white"> <h1>Dashboard</h1> <ResponsiveContainer height={250} width={'100%'}> <BarChart layout="vertical" data={data} margin={{left: 50, right: 50}} stackOffset="expand"> <XAxis hide type="number"/> <YAxis type="category" dataKey="name" stroke="#FFFFFF" fontSize="12" /> <Tooltip/> <Bar dataKey="failed" fill="#dd7876" stackId="a" label={<CustomizedLabel />} /> <Bar dataKey="completed" fill="#82ba7f" stackId="a" label={<CustomizedLabel/>} /> <Bar dataKey="inprogress" fill="#76a8dd" stackId="a" label={<CustomizedLabel/>} /> </BarChart> </ResponsiveContainer> </div> ); } }
Which results in this: As you can see, the numbers are… well… odd and this only happens when I add the stackOffset=”expand” attribute.
How can I get the actual value of the section to my label instead of the calculated value based on the stackOffset? The value that I am displaying is an array of two values and I tried some manipulation of those values without success.
Any help will be much appreciated.
I know this is an old question, but since it has 3k views and no answer, I will try to answer
I think the author wanted to get this result: https://codesandbox.io/s/vigilant-lehmann-82dzz
import React from "react"; import { BarChart, Bar, XAxis, YAxis, ResponsiveContainer, Tooltip, Label, LabelList } from "recharts"; const renderCustomizedLabel = (props) => { const { content, ...rest } = props; return <Label {...rest} fontSize="12" fill="#FFFFFF" fontWeight="Bold" />; }; export class DashboardView extends React.Component { render() { const data = [ { name: "NE Send", completed: 230, failed: 335, inprogress: 453 }, { name: "NE Resend", completed: 335, failed: 330, inprogress: 345 }, { name: "Miles Orchestrator", completed: 537, failed: 243, inprogress: 2110 }, { name: "Commissions Payment Orch", completed: 132, failed: 328, inprogress: 540 }, { name: "Business Integrators", completed: 530, failed: 145, inprogress: 335 }, { name: "SmartTrack", completed: 538, failed: 312, inprogress: 110 } ]; return ( <div className="content c-white"> <h1>Dashboard</h1> <ResponsiveContainer height={250} width={"100%"}> <BarChart layout="vertical" data={data} margin={{ left: 50, right: 50 }} stackOffset="expand" > <XAxis hide type="number" /> <YAxis type="category" dataKey="name" stroke="#FFFFFF" fontSize="12" /> <Tooltip /> <Bar dataKey="failed" fill="#dd7876" stackId="a"> <LabelList dataKey="failed" position="center" content={renderCustomizedLabel} /> </Bar> <Bar dataKey="completed" fill="#82ba7f" stackId="a"> <LabelList dataKey="completed" position="center" content={renderCustomizedLabel} /> </Bar> <Bar dataKey="inprogress" fill="#76a8dd" stackId="a"> <LabelList dataKey="inprogress" position="center" content={renderCustomizedLabel} /> </Bar> </BarChart> </ResponsiveContainer> </div> ); } }