I am learning reactjs and got an array of json object. I want to loop thru each record in the array, read the id and add/set a new field with a string value. When the looping is done, I will set the state to save the state collection. So far no luck in getting this to work.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
const records = this.state.OriginalRecords let record = {} records.map(m => (function(m) { // get the record for each record to update record = this.state.OriginalRecords.find(record => record.id === m.id) // add and set the record new field record['newField'] = 'Test' } )) this.setState({OriginalRecords: records, mappingDateDone: true})
My goal is every record in OrginalRecords has a new json field called newField = ‘Test’.
just do it like this using map function
const records = this.state.OriginalRecords const newRecords = records.map(item => { return {...item , newField : 'Test'} }); this.setState({OriginalRecords: newRecords, mappingDateDone: true})