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React – Triggering a component method from another component, both belonging in the same render()

I have a custom component Foo, whose ‘bar‘ function I want to trigger from the outside:

class Foo extends React.Component {
   bar() { ... }

I am rendering Foo along with a button whose purpose is to trigger

render() {

 return (
     <Foo ...>
     <Button onClick={I want to trigger} />

Things I have tried:

  1. Moving <Button > inside Foo, then adding onClick of <Button/> in Foo's constructor — the binding of onClick didn’t work — I see it attached, but the <Button /> still does not trigger onClick. (or, if it can work, how to do it properly)?

Solutions that don’t do what I want:

  1. I see one potential solution which suggests to listen to a click in the entire MyComponent, then do some DOM querying to find if the actual button was clicked. This won’t work for me, however, because MyComponent does not own these buttons (these buttons are not MyComponent.props.children) and I’d prefer to brainstorm a solution that doesn’t force me to have to move the buttons inside.

  2. Another potential solution doesn’t work: I cannot have the render() return the value of <MyComponent /> into a var myComp, then inside <Button onClick={() => {myComp.blah()}} />, because <Button /> itself is instantiated inside <MyComponent /> as a child! (and, they are both in the same render() call anyways)

  3. Part b) #2 (above), using React-Component static class method, will not work either: I need this on a per-instance basis.

  4. Using app state (such as a store) is not what I want, either — MyComponent is meant to be a re-usaable widget and cannot be tied to a specific application state or listening to any specific stores or store actions.

Any suggestions?




You can define a function on the parent which has a ref to the Foo child. This function will call; You then pass that function into the button so when the button is clicked, the parent’s function will be called. Added an example here where clicking the button will toggle the state of the Foo component (but it could do anything).

Example below

class Parent extends React.Component {
  triggerFoo() {;
  render() {
    return (
        <Foo ref={foo => = foo} />
        <Button onClick={this.triggerFoo.bind(this)}/>

class Foo extends React.Component {
  state = {foo: false}
  toggle() {
      foo: !
  render() {
    return (
        Foo Triggered: {}

class Button extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <button onClick={this.props.onClick}>
        Click This
ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root" />
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