I’m setting up a map to find the coords of a person and then put that location on the map. But for some reason, the coords aren’t being shown on the map. I console.log to make sure the state variables(where the coords are being stored) were emitting the right coords and they are. I don’t know why the map won’t change to them though.
My code:
import { StatusBar } from "expo-status-bar"; import React from "react"; import { StyleSheet, Text, View } from "react-native"; import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker, Popup } from "react-leaflet"; import Constants from "expo-constants"; import * as Location from "expo-location"; import * as Permissions from "expo-permissions"; import { render } from "react-dom"; import "leaflet/dist/leaflet.css"; export default class App extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { ready: false, where: { lat: '', lng: '' }, error: null, }; } componentDidMount() { let geoOptions = { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeOut: 20000, maximumAge: 60 * 60 * 24, }; this.setState({ ready: false, error: null }); navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( this.geoSuccess, this.geoFailure, geoOptions ); } geoSuccess = (position) => { console.log(position.coords.latitude); console.log(position.coords.longitude); console.log(this.state.where?.lng); console.log(this.state.where?.lat); this.setState({ ready: true, where: { lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude }, }); console.log(this.state.where?.lng); console.log(this.state.where?.lat); }; geoFailure = (err) => { this.setState({ error: err.message }); console.log(this.state.error); }; render() { const position = [this.state.where?.lat, this.state.where?.lng]; return ( <> {(this.state.where != null || this.state.where != undefined) && <MapContainer style={{ height: "100%", width: "100%" }} center={position} zoom="30" scrollWheelZoom={true} > <TileLayer attribution='© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' url="https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" /> </MapContainer> } </> ); } }
From the official docs
Except for its children, MapContainer props are immutable: changing them after they have been set a first time will have no effect on the Map instance or its container.
Use a child component that will change your map view upon position change
function ChangeMapView({ coords }) { const map = useMap(); map.setView(coords, map.getZoom()); return null; }
Use it like this:
<MapContainer style={{ height: "100vh", width: "100%" }} center={position} zoom="30" scrollWheelZoom={true} > <TileLayer attribution='© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' url="https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" /> <ChangeMapView coords={position} /> </MapContainer>