I am using MongoDB with mongoose and React.Js. I have a page where the user can display a post.
I am sending fetch request to the backend where I am getting this json data as response.
{ "post": { "_id": "62cd5b5ef2a39582f96ad514", "title": "asdadsad", "description": "sdasdasdasda", "imageURL": "image 1", "creator_id": "62cd5b1bf2a39582f96ad500", "createdAt": "2022-07-12T11:30:38.255Z", "updatedAt": "2022-07-12T11:30:38.255Z", "__v": 0, "id": "62cd5b5ef2a39582f96ad514" } }
And on the frontend I am using Fetch API, to get this data, what I am trying to do is I want to be able to read every single key and value from the JSON response as I want to use this data to display title, content etc…
const { isLoading, error, sendRequest, clearError } = useHttpRequest(); const [getPost, setPost] = useState([]); const userID = useParams().id; useEffect(() => { const fetchPosts = async () => { try { const url: string = `http://localhost:8000/api/posts/${userID}`; const responseData = await sendRequest(url); console.log(responseData); setPost(responseData); } catch (err) { }} fetchPosts(); }, [sendRequest]);
Now I had tried using the getPost.map(…….), however I got error that said getPost.map is not a function event when I did setPost(responseData.post) I got the same error. So how can I access different data in the JSON response ?
In case this helps here is my sendRequest function. and this is my sendRequest that is located in totaly different file
const useHttpRequest = () => { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const [error, setError] = useState<string | null>(null); const activeHttpRequests: any = useRef([]); const sendRequest = useCallback( async (url: string, method: string = 'GET', body: any = null, headers: {} = {}) => { setIsLoading(true); const httpAbort = new AbortController(); activeHttpRequests.current.push(httpAbort); try { const response = await fetch(url, { method: method, headers: headers, body: body, signal: httpAbort.signal //FIX FOR CROSS REQUEST SENDING }); const responseData = await response.json(); activeHttpRequests.current = activeHttpRequests.current.filter((requests: any) => requests !== httpAbort); if (!response.ok){ throw new Error("Error fetch failed !"); } setIsLoading(false); return responseData; } catch (err: any) { console.log(err.message) setError(err.message); setIsLoading(false); throw err; }; }, []) const clearError = () => { setError(null); } useEffect(() => { return () => { activeHttpRequests.current.forEach((abortRequest: any) => abortRequest.abort()) //ABORT CURRENT REQUEST }; }, []); return { isLoading, error, sendRequest, clearError } } export default useHttpRequest
Your return Object would look something like this:
export interface Posts { post: Post[]; } export interface Post { _id: string; title: string; description: string; imageURL: string; creator_id: string; createdAt: Date; updatedAt: Date; __v: number; id: string; }
To simplify your work and make sure you get the correct data back, you should consider doing this below:
const { isLoading, error, sendRequest, clearError } = useHttpRequest(); const [getPost, setPost] = useState<Posts>([]); const userID = useParams().id; const fetchPosts = async () => { try { const url: string = `http://localhost:8000/api/posts/${userID}`; const responseData = await sendRequest(url); console.log(responseData); setPost(responseData); } catch (err) { }} useEffect(() => { fetchPosts(); }, [sendRequest]); return ( <div> <h1>get Data</h1> {getPost.post.map((value,index) => ( <li key={`${index}-${value}`}>{value}</li> ))} </div> )