I’m using React(react-create-app and TypeScript). Login is made with Auth0.
I want to write tests with Jest, and I found this ressource which is basically the only thing around that speaks about Mocking the Auth0 object.
So my code looks like this:
import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import TopBar from "./index"; import { useAuth0 } from "react-auth0-spa"; const user = { email: "johndoe@me.com", email_verified: true, sub: "google-oauth2|12345678901234" }; // intercept the useAuth0 function and mock it jest.mock("react-auth0-spa"); describe("First test", () => { beforeEach(() => { // Mock the Auth0 hook and make it return a logged in state useAuth0.mockReturnValue({ isAuthenticated: true, user, logout: jest.fn(), loginWithRedirect: jest.fn() }); }); it("renders without crashing", () => { const div = document.createElement("div"); ReactDOM.render( < TopBar / > , div); }); });
But I end stuck with this error:
Property 'mockReturnValue' does not exist on type '() => IAuth0Context | undefined'.ts(2339)
I’m a bit lost here, any help would be greatly appreciated!
It’s a TypeScript error. You will need to type the mocked useAuth0
as the original type does not have a method called mockReturnValue
. Something like this should work:
const mockedUseAuth0 = <jest.Mock<typeof useAuth0>>useAuth0; mockedUseAuth0.mockReturnValue({ isAuthenticated: true, user, logout: jest.fn(), loginWithRedirect: jest.fn() });