I have already declared the input
to only receive numbers:
<input type="number" name={`order[${nestIndex}].variantion[${k}].qty`} ref={register({ required: true })} defaultValue={item.qty} style={{ marginRight: "25px" }} />
But this would still save as a string. How can I convert the value of the quantity
into a number or if I could parse this into an integer?
The quantity input field is in the nestedFieldArray
export default ({ nestIndex, control, register }) => { const { fields, remove, append } = useFieldArray({ control, name: `order[${nestIndex}].variation` }); return ( <div> {fields.map((item, k) => { return ( <div key={item.id} style={{ marginLeft: 20 }}> <label>{k + 1}</label> <input type="number" name={`order[${nestIndex}].variantion[${k}].qty`} ref={register({ required: true })} defaultValue={item.qty} style={{ marginRight: "25px" }} /> <Size name={`order[${nestIndex}].variantion[${k}].color`} menuItems={colorItems} refer={register({ required: true })} defaultValue={item.color} control={control} /> </div> ); })} <hr /> </div> ); };
I recreated this in: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hook-form-data-in-step-1-and-step-2-with-nestedarray-7hyksh?file=/src/nestedFieldArray.js:485-1532
This is what the data looks like in the console:
On handler submit you can change product qty into integer using parseInt() and push it into the new child array and after the all product detail convert it then you can push it into new parent array.
const onSubmit = (data) => { const newOrder = []; data.order.forEach(({ product, variantion }) => { const newVariantion = []; variantion.forEach(({ qty, color }) => { newVariantion.push({ qty: parseInt(qty), color }); }); newOrder.push({ product, variantion: newVariantion }); }); action(newOrder); console.log(newOrder); push("/step2"); };