I have a component where i get the distance from one point to another, with Google Maps (DirectionsRenderer).
What i want, is to use this data in a h1
This is my return
return ( <> <div> <GoogleMap mapContainerStyle={mapContainerStyle} zoom={8} center={center} onLoad={onMapLoad} > {response !== null && ( <DirectionsRenderer options={{ directions: response, }} onLoad={(directionsRenderer) => { distanceInKm = directionsRenderer.directions.routes[0].legs[0].distance.text; console.log("I wan't this data ->" + distanceInKm); }} /> )} <DirectionsService options={DirectionsServiceOption} callback={directionsCallback} /> </GoogleMap> </div> {/* THIS IS WHERE I WANT TO USE THE DATA */} <h1 id="calculatedDistance">{distanceInKm} km væk</h1> </> ); };
ShowProduct.js (This is where i get the distance)
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState, useCallback, useRef, } from "react"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { GoogleMap, useLoadScript, DirectionsService, DirectionsRenderer, } from "@react-google-maps/api"; // context import DbContext from "../../../context/DbContext"; // MAP const libraries = ["places", "directions"]; const mapContainerStyle = { width: "100%", height: "50vh", }; const ShowProduct = (props) => { const [post, setPost] = useState(); let [distanceInKm, setDistanceInKm] = useState(0); const context = useContext(DbContext); useEffect(() => { context.getProduct(props.match.params.id).then((x) => setPost(x)); }, [context.existsUser()]); useEffect(() => { context.getProduct(props.match.params.id).then((x) => setPost(x)); }, []); // map const { isLoaded, loadError } = useLoadScript({ googleMapsApiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", libraries, }); const [currentPosition, setCurrentPosition] = useState({}); // destination will come from Database let [destination2, setDestination2] = useState( "57.021779738464396, 9.711555234340288" ); const success = (position) => { let currentPosition = { lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude, }; setCurrentPosition(currentPosition); }; let [origin2, setOrigin2] = useState(); useEffect(() => { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success); }, []); const [response, setResponse] = useState(null); const directionsCallback = (response) => { console.log(response); if (response !== null) { if (response.status === "OK") { setResponse(response); } else { console.log("response: ", response); } } }; const mapRef = useRef(); const onMapLoad = useCallback((map) => { mapRef.current = map; }, []); if (loadError) return "Error loading maps"; if (!isLoaded) return "loading maps"; destination2 = post?.latitude + ", " + post?.longitude; const DirectionsServiceOption = { destination: destination2, origin: currentPosition.lat + ", " + currentPosition.lng, travelMode: "DRIVING", }; return ( <> <div> <GoogleMap mapContainerStyle={mapContainerStyle} zoom={8} center={center} onLoad={onMapLoad} > {response !== null && ( <DirectionsRenderer options={{ directions: response, }} onLoad={(directionsRenderer) => { distanceInKm = directionsRenderer.directions .routes[0].legs[0].distance.text; setDistanceInKm(distanceInKm); }} /> )} <DirectionsService options={DirectionsServiceOption} callback={directionsCallback} /> </GoogleMap> </div> <h1 id="calculatedDistance">{distanceInKm} km væk</h1> </> ); }; const styleLikeButton = { right: 23, bottom: 10, }; export default ShowProduct;
ProductCard.js (This is where want to use it)
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState, useRef, useCallback, } from "react"; import ProductCard from "react-tinder-card"; import database from "../../../firebase"; import "../../../styles/ProductCards.css"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; // Context import DbContext from "../../../context/DbContext"; const ProductCards = () => { const [products, setProducts] = useState([]); const context = useContext(DbContext); useEffect(() => { if (context.existsUser() == null) { window.location.href = "/login"; } context.getProducts().then((r) => setProducts(r)); console.log(products); }, [context]); // TJEK swipe direction const onSwipe = (direction) => { if (direction == "right") { // product to interestsList console.log("Interesseret!!!"); } console.log("You swiped: " + direction); }; const onCardLeftScreen = (myIdentifier) => { console.log(myIdentifier + " left the screen"); }; return ( <> <div> {products.length > 0 ? ( <div className="productCards__cardContainer"> {products.map((product) => ( <ProductCard className="swipe" key={product.title} preventSwipe={["down"]} onSwipe={onSwipe} onCardLeftScreen={() => onCardLeftScreen(product.id)} > {/* THIS IS WHERE I WOULD LIKE TO USE THE DISTANCE */} <h1>{distanceInKm} km væk</h1> <h4 className="price">{product?.price} kr.</h4> <Link className="product_title" to={`/showproduct/${product.id}`} > {product.title} </Link> </ProductCard> ))} </div> ) : ( "Loading..." )} </div> </> ); }; export default ProductCards;
You need to set up a state using useState hook, before your return:
const [distanceInKm, setDistanceInKm] = useState(0);
Then in your onLoad callback, you need to set the actual value of the distance:
onLoad={(directionsRenderer) => { distanceInKm = directionsRenderer.directions .routes[0].legs[0].distance.text; setDistanceInKm(distanceInKm); }}
And finally in your h1 you can now use the value:
<h1 id="calculatedDistance">{distanceInKm} km væk</h1>