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React conditional rendering based on other state doesn’t work

I’m new to react and I honestly can’t understand conditional rendering. I have one useState and one useReducer:

const [Trivia, setTrivia] = useState("Nothing")
const [{ currentOperand, previousOperand, Operation }, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {})

Following tutorials, I made a calculator with currentOperand, previousOperand, Operation and every time the currentOperand is 10, I want trivia to be “something”. I honestly don’t understand, since I don’t get any errors. I tried this:

  const CheckEqual = () => {
    if (currentOperand === 10) {
      return (
    } else {
      return (

and this

<div> { CheckEqual() } </div>

but nothing appears. Not even errors. Any help? Full code:

import React, { useReducer, useState, useEffect } from "react"
import DigitButton from "./DigitButton"
import OperationButton from "./OperationButton"
import "./styles.css"

export const actionsPossible = {
  add_: "add",
  operation_: "operation",
  clear_: "clear",
  delete_: "delete",
  equal_: "equal",
function reducer(state, { type, payload }) {
  switch (type) {
    case actionsPossible.add_:  //add
      if (state.overwrite) {
        return {
          currentOperand: payload.digit,
          overwrite: false,
      if (payload.digit === "." && state.currentOperand == null) {
        return state
      if (payload.digit === "0" && state.currentOperand === "0") {
        return state
      if (payload.digit === "." && state.currentOperand.includes(".")) {
        return state
      return {
        currentOperand: `${state.currentOperand || ""}${payload.digit}`,
    case actionsPossible.clear_:  //clear
        return {}
    case actionsPossible.operation_:  //choosing operation
      if (state.currentOperand == null && state.previousOperand == null) {
        return state
      if (state.currentOperand == null) {
        return {
          Operation: payload.Operation,
      if (state.previousOperand == null) {
        return {
          Operation: payload.Operation,
          previousOperand: state.currentOperand,
          currentOperand: null,

      return {
        previousOperand: evaluate(state),
        currentOperand: null,
        operation_: payload.operation_,
    case actionsPossible.equal_: //equal
        if (state.Operation == null || state.currentOperand == null || state.previousOperand == null) {
          return state
        return {
          overwrite: true,
          previousOperand: null,
          currentOperand: evaluate(state),
          Operation: null,
    case actionsPossible.delete_: //delete
        if (state.overwrite) {
          return {
            overwrite: false,
            currentOperand: null
        if (state.currentOperand == null) {
          return state
        if (state.currentOperand.length === 1) {
          return {
            currentOperand: null
        return {
          currentOperand: state.currentOperand.slice(0, -1)
    default: return state //default case
function evaluate({ currentOperand, previousOperand, Operation }) {
  const previous = parseFloat(previousOperand)
  const current = parseFloat(currentOperand)
  if (isNaN(previous) || isNaN(current)) return ""
  let computation = ""
  switch (Operation) {
    case "+":
      computation = previous + current
    case "-":
      computation = previous - current
    case "*":
      computation = previous * current
    case "÷":
      computation = previous / current
  return computation.toString()

function App() {
  const [Trivia, setTrivia] = useState("")
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState("light")
  const [{ currentOperand, previousOperand, Operation }, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {})

  useEffect(() => {
    if (currentOperand === 10) {
    else {
  }, [currentOperand])

  return (
        <div className="calculator-grid">
          <div className="output">
            <div className="previous-operand">{formatOperand(previousOperand)} {Operation}</div>
            <div className="current-operand">{formatOperand(currentOperand)}</div>
          <button className="span-two" onClick={() => dispatch({ type: actionsPossible.clear_ })}>AC</button>
          <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: actionsPossible.delete_ })}>DEL</button>
          <OperationButton Operation="÷" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="1" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="2" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="3" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <OperationButton Operation="*" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="4" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="5" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="6" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <OperationButton Operation="+" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="7" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="8" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="9" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <OperationButton Operation="-" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="." dispatch={dispatch} />
          <DigitButton digit="0" dispatch={dispatch} />
          <button className="span-two" onClick={() => dispatch({ type: actionsPossible.equal_ })}>=</button>
        <div className="count">
          <h1>Random Trivia</h1>
          <h2>(it will randomly pop up the more you use the calculator)</h2>

export default App;



In your component, use useEffect() to mutate Trivia‘s value when currentOperand was mutated.

Then just use Trivia to display in return


const [Trivia, setTrivia] = useState("Nothing")
const [{ currentOperand, previousOperand, Operation }, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {})

  if (currentOperand === 10) {
  else {
}, [currentOperand])

return <>

Update [2022/09/05]

Assume your reducer works fine.

Then these code maybe can help When the currentOperand === 10, the Trivia changed

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="root"></div>

<script type="text/babel">
        function App() {
           const [Trivia, setTrivia] = React.useState("Nothing")
           const [currentOperand, setCurrentOperand] = React.useState(0);

             if (currentOperand === 10) {
             else {
           }, [currentOperand])
           const handleClick = () =>{

        return <div>
          <button onClick={handleClick}>Add currentOperand</button>

<script type="text/babel">
    , document.getElementById("root"));
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